Thursday, January 5, 2012

Safety switch red light on

The safety switch tripped only when the thermal core is over heat. My problem is the red light was on ever since I first turn on the TOM.

When the first time I encounter this issue, I found a solution here saying that tighten the thermostat connection will help and it solve the problem, but I when I turn the TOM on at the following day, the red light on again, and I couldn't solve it by tighten the thermostat connection.

I'm still looking for solution at the moment, and found out some other possibility cause of this issue.
I made a copy of the info for my own record:

EC output voltage fail (and safety cut-off) in the middle of print when ABP temp above 100/105 -- Power Supply (Cooler Master) Problem?

I have a problem with my prints failing due to the safety board tripping in the middle of a print.   The temp of the ABP is not really that hight as I have monitored it closely during prints.  The issue only occurs when I have the ABP temperature above 100/105 (e.g. 110, 115, 120).  The red light comes on, but the machine keeps trying to print (but no longer extruding due to temperature of the extruder being too low)
Measuring the input voltage from the extruder input into the safety volt is less than a volt after the failure (which leads me to think it is the power supply and not the safety cut-off relay).   Further, if I switch the system off, I am unable to switch it back on for about 10 minutes (indicating the power-supply is in 'safety' mode or whatever).   I  In the middle of a build the safety board trips and seems to kill power to the extruder. 
I think that the power-supply is tripping and  causing the safety shutoff to trip (because the temperature is no longer at the built-temperature...too low or due to input voltage dropping).  
Does this happen for anyone else?  Does the Cooler Master 460W just suck?  Or do I have more serious things going on? (EC board failure of some kind).  
Any ideas on how to diagnose this?   I will check the input voltage to the EC and post results.  

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